How to stay dry and warm on cold days? Here you will find examples of how you can choose to dress on the upper body based on temperature and activity level. With multiple layers of clothing, you can easily regulate your body temperature by taking off and putting on clothes as needed. The layers keep you warm because they hold on to air that insulates. If you also choose clothes that transport moisture away from the body and insulate when you are at rest, you will stay even warmer. Read more about dressing in layers here
Never use cotton next to the skin in cold weather. Cotton absorbs moisture, dries slowly, and cools you down.
- High activity = ski touring, pulling pulk, running
- Low activity = slow walking, slow skiing
- ST = Super Thermo
- WT = Wool Thermo
- CW = Classic Wool
Examples of how you can choose to dress in cold weather
1. Temperature: 10 to 5
High activity:
a) CW light T-shirt + light training jacket
b) ST T- shirt + light training jacket
c) ST shirt + CW light T-shirt + light training jacket
Low activity:
d) WT shirt + CW zip polo shirt + shell jacket
e) WT shirt + Polar jakke + shell jacket
f) Arctic Zip Polo shirt + shell jacket
2. Temperature: -3 to -9
High activity:
a) ST zip polo shirt + light training jacket
b) ST T-shirt + ST zip polo shirt + light training jacket
c) ST zip polo shirt + ST shirt + light training jacket
d) Arctic zip polo combat shirt + 1ight training jacket
e) ST a-shirt + Arctic zip polo combat shirt + light training jacket
Low activity:
f) WT shirt + CW zip polo shirt + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
g) Arctic Zip Polo shirt + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
h) Arctic zip polo combat shirt + Arctic Vest + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
i) WT shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
3. Temperature: -10 to -17
High activity:
a) ST a-shirt + Arctic zip polo combat shirt + CW t-shirt + light training jacket
b) ST zip polo shirt + ST shirt + CW zip polo shirt + light training jacket
Low activity:
c) WT shirt + Arctic Zip Polo shirt + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
d) WT zip polo shirt + WT shirt + CW zip polo shirt + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
e) WT a-shirt + WT zip polo shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
4. Temperature: -18 to -24
High activity:
a) ST zip polo shirt + ST shirt + ST shirt + shell jacket
b) ST zip polo shirt + ST shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket
Low activity:
c) ST shirt + Arctic zip polo shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
d) WT shirt + Arctic Zip Polo shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
e) WT shirt + Arctic Zip Polo shirt + Antarctic jacket + shell jacket + Insulation jacket
5. Temperature: -25 to -30 or more (expedition)
Talk to us or experienced polar guides if you plan a cold expedition. We recommend a chat with expedition expert Lars Ebbesen in Ousland Explorers. In 1998, he and Sjur Mørdre went to the North Pole wearing only Super Thermo mesh under their shell jackets. "I haven't been cold once in 30 days in the Arctic Ocean," Sjur wrote in his letter to Brynje.
2. Temperature: 4 to -2
High activity:
a) ST shirt + light training jacket
b) ST shirt + CW light T-shirt + light training jacket
Low activity:
d) WT shirt + CW zip polo shirt + shell jacket
e) WT shirt + Polar jacket + shell jacket
f) Arctic Zip Polo Wool shirt + shell jacket